Student Ambassadorship Update

Week: Sunday, March 5th

This week was focused on putting the final touches on my Creative Contest, getting everything in alignment for Match 15th which is my chosen deadline. I have chosen to steer my contest in the direction of being more internet-based which will allow the student particpants to self-record and submit their creative showcase of choice. This includes those who have done short essays. For those participants in particular, they will be giving my an introduction/summary of what they wrote about and why the chose the clips they chose. I am very excited since one of the participants I met with is potentially going to be choosing the topic of “Pan-Africanism” to explore in the digital archive.

This week in particular was filled with meeting with my participants individually just to personally touch base, answer any questions, and make sure they are in the know about the deadline and the requirements. All participants I met with understood the requirements and were confident they would be able to put their best foot forward in the contest.

Because I was at first having trouble hearing back from my partipants that had signed up, I created a flyer that let them know I would be doing a raffle for 4 participants to anticipate hearing back from them and more partipants.

This was an incentive for participants who maybe wanted to participate but didn’t feel as though they would place. I also gave this flyer to one of my faculty members and posted physical flyers on campus.

For the rest of this month, for social media outreach, I will be working on highlighting women within the HistoryMakers Digital Archive as I did so below.

I’m also very excited for the next topic to come titled “Sights, Sounds, and Smells” which is a category of clips I have thoroughly enjoyed in my time exploring the digital archives. Here below is social media commentary from my segment on Dr. Maya Angelou on the sights, smells, and sounds of her childhood.

This week was midterm week so I didn’t get to post the social media commentary I desired about women I’ve found exploring the digital archive but will be working this weekend to make sure that it our by Sunday.

Excited to get the contest wrapped up and continue on my outreach as a student ambassador!

Thank You!


Outreach for the Week of 3/11


“And I Want to Start in Africa…”: Notes on the African Diaspora