Spelman College Ambassador Update

This week I have finished my digital archive contest. The submission box closed on March 6th (This Monday) and now all that is left is for myself and the judges to look over all the entries and rank them. I am still coming up with my outreach plan for the remainder of my time with the Historymaker Ambassador Program. One of my main goals is to possibly present at a History Club meeting as before the plans have fell short. I am looking forward to presenting a bit more to other classes and student groups while I am still in the ambassador program!

Milena Clark

Hello, My name is Milena Clark. I am a current Sophomore at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. I live in Maryland with my parents, Lance Clark (Sr.) and Shawn Washington-Clark, and I have one older brother named Lance Clark (Jr.). I was a military child growing up, and due to this, I have lived in many different places. I was born in Washington State and lived in Virginia and South Carolina but Maryland is where I have lived the longest, for about eleven years now. My family has deep roots in Charleston, South Carolina. Both my parents grew up there and the majority of my extended family lives in the state. When it comes to my love for history, I would have to give it to my father. He really got me involved in different aspects of history that I know come to enjoy. I am extremely thankful to be chosen as an Ambassador for History Makers.


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